How to Rectify Offensive Driving Behavior by Utilizing GPS Tracking System
November 14th, 2017
Vehicle monitoring is one of the prime duties of a fleet manager. Nevertheless, installing a GPS tracking system is an excellent solution to solve the monitoring issue.
Furthermore, this assists you to improve the overall fleet efficiency, offer customized reports, real-time alerts, and live cam feed, which enables you to check the driver behavior effectively.
When you analyze the bottom line of every fleet business, you will be able to realize that the way drivers handle vehicles is also a key factor in the profitability of the business.
By close monitoring of vehicles, you will be able to provide instant feedback to your fleet drivers regarding their driving performance.
Preventing Offensive Driving
According to the reports published by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, it is found that the reason for 56 percent of casualties is due to aggressive or offensive driving. When you operate heavy vehicles such as a truck, the situation becomes increasingly hazardous and risky.
Today, apart from the over speeding and harsh braking, there are certain other undesirable driving behaviors such as “lead foot syndrome” or tailgating, which will also fall into the category of offensive driving. In fact, such behavior will be problematic if it is committed by the drivers of heavy vehicles.
At times, driving should also be modified according to the weather conditions such as rain, fog, snow, etc. As a result, it is wise to follow the safe driving practices suitable to a particular weather.
With the longer stopping distance and bigger blind spots, the truck drivers need to receive adequate awareness on the favorable driving habits, and thus alter their unacceptable driving behavior accordingly.
Implementation of GPS Tracking System
GPS vehicle tracking system supports your employees to accomplish the business goals. Moreover, your drivers will improve themselves once they realize that they are being monitored constantly.
Thus, you will assist them to fulfill the goals such as safe trips, lower vehicle idling, decreased vehicle speeding, etc. by constantly tracking them.
Also, you can communicate with them and recognize their concerns.However, the GPS trackers enable you to pair the data and figure out the key reason for the adverse circumstances.
Moreover, the modern GPS trackers provide instant alerts whenever an unsafe driving event occurs. As a result, drivers will be able to recognize that their driving is an offensive one and thus alter it instantly. Hence, based on the performance analysis, you can rank and reward the fleet drivers.
In addition to this, you can compare the real-time data with the historical data, which will assist you to rectify the unfavorable driving behavior. Thus, you will be able to achieve the strategic goals.
Coaching Drivers
Of course, the improvement in driver behavior is the effect of real-time monitoring. However, at times, driver coaching is effective for altering the behavior rather than providing endless instructions to the drivers.
Meanwhile, feedback is valuable for enhancing driver’s behavior, which in turn affects the bottom line of the fleet business.
While coaching the drivers, you can provide a brief summary of the positive and negative driving behaviors, and its impact on the vehicle performance. As a matter of fact, you will be able to rectify the undesirable driving habits and enhance the overall fleet business.